The Most Important Part of Marketing: Customer Service

We’ve written before about the importance of not only having a brand but also ensuring its integrity as demonstrated in the brand experience of your customers. Customer service is the linchpin, the essence of your brand and the key ingredient in managing your customers’ brand experience with your company.

When Customer Service Goes Bad, It Can Really Go Bad

If you want proof, you only have to check out the ongoing fallout of the recentToday Show segment on HVAC installers. The network’s investigative team found that 6 out of the 6 contractors they called to fix an HVAC unit with a simple wiring defect — one that ACCA (Air Conditioning Contractors of America) VP Bobby Ring, who participated in the investigation, said should only cost $200 to fix — attempted to overcharge for the repair or even charge for additional, unnecessary repair and parts.

Hidden cameras recorded the technicians as they inspected the unit, fixed the problem, and then inform the homeowner — played by an actor — that the repair would cost much more than it should have been. They also recorded one technician shoving the lead reporter and his cameraman as he stormed out of the house following the “reveal.”

Talk about bad customer service. Each of the technician’s company vans, with their company names emblazoned on the sides, were fully visible during the segment. Ring himself expressed shock and disappointment that none of them provided an honest assessment but instead eroded the reputation of his industry.

The situation is bad enough that ACCA chose to add a special session to the upcoming Service Managers Forum in Austin this October that positions the Today Show report as a teaching moment for HVAC dealers and technicians on improving customer service.

Customer Service is the Lifeblood of Your Business

The six HVAC companies that were caught lying to the homeowner on camera will likely find their reputation suffer to such an extent that their business will follow suit, if not permanently then at least for a long time. Since the first Today Show segment aired, the network has rebroadcast it as part of its primetime Dateline series, widening its reach among the viewing audience. Many of the 700+ comments on the Today Show website were written by customers sharing their own frustrating experiences with HVAC technicians.

The show and its ensuing fallout have shaken the industry, but as ACCA chairperson Laura DiFilippo points out in an interview following the broadcast about what HVAC technicians can learn about the report, the key is to “just do the right thing by your customers and your employees.” In other words, good, old-fashioned customer service.

Final Thoughts

We all know that the industry has its share of unscrupulous contractors. If the Today Show report has taught us anything, it’s that the old adage about bad apples ruining an entire barrel still rings true. Provide awful and/or dishonest customer service, and no door hanger or postcard can save your company’s reputation.

Offer excellent and professional customer service, however, and the Internet and your marketing campaign can be your company’s best friend. Ensure the integrity of your brand by providing nothing but the best customer service to your clients and prospects. They’ll return the favor tenfold with referrals, testimonials, and a reputation that will grow your business.

What did you think of the Today Show report? Did you think it was fair or biased? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

How to Use Current Events to Market Your Business

If you paid any attention to any of the non-sports advertising and marketing campaigns surrounding the Olympics, you may have heard about the tight control that the London Olympic Committee held over any and all marketing campaigns related to the event. Still, without resorting to ambush marketing, you can still take advantage of popular special events to promote your brand, regardless of what you sell, and stay within the boundaries of marketing guidelines.

Sponsor Local Events

Why spend millions of dollars tying your name to a national event like the Super Bowl when your target audience is probably found within a 25 or 30 mile radius of your office? Farmers’ markets, local baseball championships, school bake sales, animal adoption events, 5k races — all of these are ripe for sponsorship opportunities. You reap the benefits of local advertising and marketing exposure while also boosting your brand’s reputation as a local company doing good.

Marketing Around Unusual Events

Did you know that there’s a National Air Conditioning Appreciation Week and that it is actually this week in 2012? (Go ahead and Google it to see how others are using it in their marketing right now!) Okay, it wasn’t exactly designated by an act of Congress, but it’s still a fun and memorable opportunity to reach out to your customers and prospects.  In the future, you could send out radius mailers highlighting this special event, offer discounts for work performed or ordered that week, or even give away donuts or other baked goods to celebrate the “holiday.” All of these can help make your typical marketing piece stand out.

Other unusual events around the year include the Autumnal Equinox (the beginning of fall), Get Organized Week (October – great time to highlight winter HVAC maintenance), and even National Hugging Day (January 21).

National Small Business Week and Small Business Saturday

National Small Business Week is a nationwide, SBA-sponsored conference and movement to recognize the importance of small businesses to the American economy and American culture. It’s another wonderful opportunity to showcase your status as a small business and encourage your customers and prospects to turn to you for their HVAC needs as a way of supporting all small businesses.

Small Business Saturday was launched by American Express to promote small retailers on the Saturday after Thanksgiving every year. However, it’s since grown to become a national movement to promote small businesses in general year-round. The finance company has created an enormous community across all the major social media networks to support this initiative, and anyone can join and take advantage of the exposure and marketing advice specifically designed for small business owners.

What sponsorship opportunities have you found that work for your marketing?  Please share them since we always like learning about new opportunities at Business Direct Marketing.

August Special Offers

hvac marketing ideasJust in time for the thick of summer, we have some great special offers on HVAC marketing tools for the month of August! New to radius mailers? Take advantage of a 10% discount for first-time buyers of this product. Send these attractive cards to up to 50 of your clients, complete with a full mailing list and phone list. They’re also mobile as well, with a QR code that recipients can quickly scan with any of the free QR readers available on the market and get more information about you and your services.

We also offer a 10% off discount on van-shaped magnet mailers. Stay on top of your clients’ and prospects minds with this eye-catching magnet printed with your logo and contact information.

All of the above products as well as our other HVAC marketing products are available in our It’s free to register and takes just a few minutes to create an account and get started on your HVAC marketing campaign. August offers are valid through September 30, 2012.