How Storytelling Can Boost Your Digital Marketing

storytelling2People love stories, and they especially love stories that they can relate to. Today’s customers want to connect with the people behind the brand, not just hear a pitch about the products. Storytelling is all about sharing your brand through an interesting and memorable narrative. Storytelling takes content marketing to the next level by inspiring an emotional reaction in the audience. Making that personal connection with your clients through storytelling in your marketing campaign can be a great way to stay ahead of the competition and generate more customer loyalty. Every business has a story to tell; here are a few ideas to get you started:

Be Authentic: Honesty and transparency are key in brand storytelling. Your stories need to be based in the reality of your brand, products, and industry. Stick to the three primary steps of brand-building: consistency, persistence, and restraint. It’s not a good idea to embellish your stories just to earn the interest of your audience. That kind of attention is short-lived and it is not a sustainable approach to marketing.

Give it Feeling: Emotion is at the heart of every good story, and putting emotion into a story about a business is not so hard. The emotion is there for you to uncover. Think about your company’s history, your employees, your products. Your passion about your brand makes your stories entertaining while also informative.

Show a Little Personality: Customers don’t just want to connect with a brand, they want to connect with the people behind the brand. Your story should share something unfamiliar about your business to connect on a personal level with your audience. Don’t be afraid to get creative and let your personality shine though!

Learn from Your Favorites: Think about some of your own favorite stories and what makes them great. Memorable stories have characters people care about, along with a problem or issue that ebbs and flows. Remember that all stories have a beginning, middle, and end. Don’t leave your audience confused by not offering a neatly wrapped conclusion.

Storytelling is a great element in your campaign to create a trustworthy brand and promote customer engagement. Do you have any additional tips for brand storytelling? We’d love to have you share them!